Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bird Nest Stem Challenge

We here in Room 3 are finding out what makes a great team and what kinds of skills and qualities are needed to be good team member.

Today, we were given the challenge of making a bird's nest in teams using only natural, fallen materials that we could find outside. The nest needed to fit 3 eggs inside it. We found twigs, leaves, grass, cabbages leaves, conker shells and of course...mud.

Despite using a variety of similar materials, our nests look remarkably different. Tomorrow we are going to test them based on a criteria we come up with, using real eggs. We will also reflect on our team work.
Team work in action 
A plan in mind
Testing ideas to see if they work

Looks like a real bird's nest!
Nest of mud and tussock only

Weaving might be better..
Using mud and fresh grass...

Some nests hang rather than sit 

The variety of finished nests on display 

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