Saturday, April 20, 2013


Some fun for the school holidays...

If the weather is bad and you're stuck inside,  spend some time making a movie, a card, a picture or telling a story on this site...


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Planting ready for Winter

As the Enviro Team had so diligently weeded some of the vegetable plots, Room 3 students decided to make use of one.

Firstly we scattered lime over the soil and then turned it over. This is to stop "club root" forming in our vegetables. Also, lots of plants/fruits/vegetables like lime although tomatoes and rhododendrons don't like it much.

We planted "Great Lakes Lettuces", "Cavelo Nero Kale", cauliflowers, cabbages and broccoli. After we had planted the seedlings, we watered them to give them a healthy start in life.

Many of us enjoyed weeding, digging, raking and turning over the soil not to mention getting our hands dirty.