Monday, November 24, 2014

Going Global - Greece

The Senior School Inquiry this term has continued from last term. We began with the traditional Maori culture in New Zealand and then went global. Each class turned their classroom into a tourist destination. After much thought, debate and discussion, we used a 'decision making grid' to help us decide and agreed upon "Greece" as our destination of interest. Close contenders were Egypt and the Arctic. 

We formed a 'Wonder Wall' of questions we had about Greece and then decided upon areas of interest. Some of the categories we chose were Art & Architecture, Geography, Culture, History and Food & Wine. After researching and talking to some experts who had been to Greece, we worked out how we were going to turn our information into something that could be presented to a potential tourist. There were many ways of presenting as you can see in the photographs below.

The Food & Wine group made the tastiest lamb kebabs and fried potato balls with feta cheese inside them. We all got to try them and they were delicious!!

All in all, it was an great day. We had 5 classes come and visit Greece and, Mr Dolan too!

The Greek food and wine was extremely popular amongst tourists!
Greek wine! (Actually grape juice...Ssshhh!)
A lovely Greek villa, overlooking the Mediterranean 
Happy Greek waiters!
Finding out about the average temperatures in Greece throughout the year
A large map of Greece outlining the islands, the mainland and other interesting land marks 

Take the quiz and win a traditional Greek coin!
Traditional dancing and music
Apollo - God of light, sun, truth, prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry and more...

The notorious mythical 3 headed monster dog, Cerberus. We burnt the edges of the picture to make it look old.
Many visitors read Greek myths
Be in to win an ancient Greek discus. 
Informing tourists
Visitors finding out about the ancient Greek Olympic sports

The sculpture of the Goddess Athena, once housed in the Parthenon 
Athena: Goddess of wisdom
The Parthenon - A temple once dedicated to the Goddess Athena

A Greek wearing a toga!
Ancient Greek weaponry

Listen to our interviewee "Alexander the Great"

Friday, July 4, 2014

This sums up Term 2!

"Not Just For Profit"

We (the children of Room 3 ) are very proud to announce that in total we made $525.90 from our Sherbet Day and our Senior School Market Day. The following charities are the charities we have selected to donate our money to!

The Christchurch City Mission, Unicef, Red Cross, S.P.C.A, Orana Park and Dogwatch!

AMAZING job Room 3 children!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


The top 3 winners in our advertising competition! We had to advertise frozen yoghurt. We got to choose whether we created our adverts by hand or on the computer!

3rd Place! 
2nd Place!
1st Place!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Jenny from 'Ground' and Tony from 'Cannon Hill Gourmet'

Jenny from 'Ground' and Tony from 'Cannon Hill Gourmet' came to visit us.
They are stall holders at a Farmer's Market. Jenny sells spice mixes and other goodies such as hummus and gourmet pies. Tony sells gourmet foods such as saffron mayonaise, different flavoured hummus' and other delicious foods. 
We learnt about where  they got their ideas, how they get feedback from customers, how they advertise their products, how they started up their businesses and the many experiences they've had along the way. Thanks Jenny and Tony!
Saffron, Dill and Mustard Mayonaise and Walnut and Pomegranate Pesto
Olive oil with garlic hummus and several spice mixes. This went down a treat!
The grinding machine purchased in Korea that makes grinding easy

Several of Jenny's products
Mmmmm, we can't stop eating these delicious nibbles!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Not Just For Profit!

Starting up a business!
The Senior School are having a Market Day at the end of the term. We are donating money to a charity of choice that we have researched. Right now, we are going through the process of starting a business so that we will know what to do for the actual market day.

First, we had to form a company. Some of our company names are: P.O.E.F., Mionionaires For Charity, Extreme Treats, Candymen, Fantastic Fizzers and Sweet Station. 
Determining roles and who was doing what..
We were given a recipe. We decided on who was doing what role then we made our product -  Sherbet Lollipops! We had to make sure there was "quality control" with our products. This meant making sure all of the products were high quality and looked the same. 
Making the product
Team Work
Next, each company came up with a price for each Sherbet Lollipop. Prices ranged from $1 to $2.20. We had different reasons for the prices we chose.  The teachers told us that we had to pay the money for the ingredients back. We worked out how much we owed the teachers and then calculated possible profits we could make with different prices. The total amount each group has to pay back is $4.10. 
Working out the amount of money owed to the teacher

Next, we had to think about marketing our product. We thought to create print adverts to hang around the school, ads on the computer, notify the school through the Daily Details and write large advertisements in chalk on the concrete. Many of us included slogans in our advertising.

The next step is selling our products at Morning Tea on Wednesday the 21st of May. 
We will let you know how this goes!