Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oh My Godwit!

Today Annabelle from the NZ Department of Conservation visited us.

She talked to us about the adaptations of sea birds and showed us 2 taxidermied 
Little Blue penguins.

A bird Annabelle was particularly passionate about was the amazing Godwit. She told us about the incredible journeys these birds make each year.

Godwits spend the summer in New Zealand, fattening up on Pipis, worms and other delicacies in preparation for their 11,000km journey from New Zealand to Alaska (Alaska is where the Godwits breed) with one stopover on the way. Before they leave, these birds have doubled their body weight so that they are strong enough to last them through their long, arduous journey. 

Very sadly, the numbers of Godwits are decreasing so we as human beings, need to look after the tidal areas where Godwits feed. We can do this by:

1. Keeping dogs on leashes.
2. Allowing the Godwits to be safe by not frightening them and keeping our distance.
3. Thinking about pollution and what we are doing to protect our planet such as reusing and recycling.

Watch this interesting video...

1 comment:

  1. I love the story of the godwits' journeys too. They are amazing aren't they? I'm sure you learnt so much from having Annabelle to talk to you. Keep up the great learning Room 3. Mrs. Dudley.
